Our Artists


Ragnar Axelsson (RAX) was born in Iceland in 1958 and started his training as a photographer at the age of 16 in a traditional photographic atelier. At 18 he was already a staff photographer at the leading Icelandic newspaper, Morgunblaðið, and has ever since continued his lifelong documentation project on the fate of the people and nature of the North.

Please check www.rax.is for more information.

Ragnar Axelsson (RAX) fæddist 1958 og hóf ljósmyndaferil sinn 16 ára á hefðbundinni ljósmyndastofu. 18 ára var hann orðinn ljósmyndari hjá fremsta dagblaði Íslands, Morgunblaðinu, og hefur allar götur síðan unnið ötullega að heimildamyndatöku um örlög fólks á norðurslóðum og náttúru þess.

Meiri upplýsingar má sjá hér www.rax.is


Eyrun Oskarsdottir

Eyrun Oskarsdottir is born in 1964. She achieved a B. Ed. degree from The Iceland University of Education with emphasis on visual art teaching in 1996. Studied art at The Iceland University and then went on to Aarhus in Denmark to achieve a Masters degree in Art History in 2011. Eyrun has attended many visual art courses locally and in Denmark. Has a working experience in various fields but primarily in elementary teaching.

Please check www.eyrun.is for more information.

Eyrún Óskarsdóttir er fædd 1964. Tók B. Ed. próf frá Kennaraháskólanum með áherslu á myndlistarkennslu árið 1996. Lærði listfræði í HÍ og fór í framhaldinu til Árósa í Danmörku og lauk þaðan meistaragráðu í listasögu árið 2011. Eyrún hefur sótt fjölda námskeiða í myndlist hér á landi og í Danmörku. Hefur víða komið við og starfað á ólíkum sviðum en mest fengist við kennslu á grunnskólastigi.

Meiri upplýsingar má sjá hér www.eyrun.is.


Bjork Hardardottir

It was on a sunny April spring day when graphics designer Bjork Hardardottir (on the left) got our card drawings for processing. Bjork also did the graphics artwork for the „52 Tidbits About Iceland“ playing cards and the MyCountry logo.

Sólin skein á fallegum apríldegi þegar grafíski hönnuðurinn Björk Harðardóttur (t.v. á myndinni) fékk fyrstu spilamyndirnar okkar til vinnslu. Björk vann grafíkina við spilin „Fróðleiksmolar um Ísland og Íslendinga“ auk þess sem hún hannaði logo fyrirtækisins.



Ellert Gretarsson

Ellert Grétarsson(elg) is nature photographer and conservationist living in Iceland. He has traveled widely in Iceland and obtained wide recognition for his photos of Iceland´s nature and landscapes. Mr. Grétarsson has held exhibitions of his work both in Iceland and abroad and received international recognition and awards for his photography.

Please check www.elg.is for more information.

Ellert Grétarsson(elg) is nature photographer and conservationist living in Iceland. He has traveled widely in Iceland and obtained wide recognition for his photos of Iceland´s nature and landscapes. Mr. Grétarsson has held exhibitions of his work both in Iceland and abroad and received international recognition and awards for his photography.

Please check www.elg.is for more information.

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